City of Rodney, IA
Through a partnership with the City of Rodney, Carrier Container Company is your garbage service provider. Our objective is to provide you with the best possible solid waste management. We look forward to serving you and your community for years to come!
Garbage Collection
Your garbage collection day is Monday. In the event your collection date falls on a holiday, the collection will resume the following business day. You can find the holiday garbage pickup schedule by clicking HERE.
On your pick-up day, you must have your cart to the curb before 6:00 a.m. Please remove your cart from the curb by midnight on the day of collection. To avoid being missed for pickup, it is recommended to place the container out the night before collection day.
Services For Residents
Disabled Individuals Cart Assistance
Upon receiving a completed physician verification form, special collection will be provided for the physically disabled. These forms are available by clicking HERE and printing the form.
Additional Carts
If you need any additional carts for household waste, one will be provided to you for a fee of $10.50 / month, billed annually by Carrier Container Company.
Yard Waste Program
If you would like to participate in our yard waste collection program, you will be provided a cart (to use only for yard waste) that will be picked up on the same day as your regular garbage collection from April 1st – October 1st. The cost of this program is $150 annually. Call 712-420-2449 to sign up.

Garbage Cart Instructions
– Please leave at least 3 feet between carts. – Place the cart within 2 feet of the curb (off the street). – Allow 18ft of clearance above carts. – Do not park personal vehicles within 10 feet of containers. – Face container handles / wheels toward your home. – Do not drill into, bolt, or fasten any objects to your cart. – Do not overfill the cart or place additional garbage on the container. – Avoid packing materials tightly inside the cart. – You may not use any other container for garbage except the one issued by the Carrier Container Company. The automated nature of this service does not allow for cart size or type variations.
Ownership of Garbage Cart
The 96 gallon garbage cart is owned and provided by Carrier Container Company. It is being provided for your solid waste disposal use. We are not responsible for any accidents or property damage caused by the cart; please keep your cart secure on windy days and keep animals and small children away from the carts.
The City of Rodney conducts billing for your garbage service. If you request an additional cart, that cart will be billed by Carrier Container Company.
Please call the City of Rodney with questions about billing.
Up to 150lbs of:
Non-hazardous household waste, food, and paper.
*For health and safety, please continue to bag your garbage before placing it in the carts.
Ammunition, Fireworks
Ashes (Hot or Cold)
Batteries, Vehicle
Concrete, Dirt, or Rocks
Dead Animals
Electronics, Computers, TVs
Household Hazardous Waste
Medical Waste
Motor Oil
Propane Tanks
Sharps (needles or syringes)
Yard Waste
Un-bagged packing pellets or sawdust
Cart Care
Please wash your cart out periodically with a garden hose. The carts are designed with a smooth interior surface for easy cleaning. You are responsible for keeping the container in clean and sanitary condition. Do not mark or write anywhere on the cart surface. Do not paint or deface the cart in any way.
Damage to Cart
If your cart breaks through normal use, we will replace it at no cost. We are not responsible for repair or replacement of the cart when it is damaged due to customer abuse or neglect. Call 712-420-2449 to report damage to your cart.